Language Proficiency


Language Proficiency Tip

Differentiate Look, See, and Watch

Many people confuse look, see, and watch, but each has a specific meaning. Understanding

the difference will help you use them correctly in everyday conversations.

- **Look** means to direct your eyes at something intentionally.

 Example: *Look at the blackboard while I explain.* Here, you are choosing to focus on something.

- **See** means to notice something without trying. Example: *I saw a rainbow yesterday.*

You werent looking for it, but you noticed it.

- **Watch** means to observe something happening over time. Example: *We watched a

movie last night.* You were paying attention for a longer period.

Heres a simple way to remember: **Look** is intentional, **see** is noticing something

passively, and **watch** is about observing something moving or changing. Try using them

in different situations to improve your accuracy!